Bend Bulletin Ignores Twitter Censorship
To Smear Musk plus Left-wing Editorial
by Fake-Conservative Hugh Hewitt

These are extracted and edited from emails to the editors of the Bend Bulletin.


Included: Bulletin prints fake editorial to pretend they are balancing time to a self-appointed conservative who is full of nonsense about the Twitter revelations.  The editorial is actually non-conservative nonsense that you expect to see out of the Washington Post whose so-called conservatives take orders from the Jeff Bezos Mothership. 


The Bulletin is up to it’s same old tricks of smothering its readers with left-wing nonsense and fake news.  We hate to use the “fake news” moniker, but sorry, the Hugh Hewitt editorial is 90% fake news or, if more palatable, news that is empty of meaningful value. 


The AntiBulletin is mostly trying to reach anyone who is not getting fair and balanced news from The Bulletin to provide an alternative view that presents a more complete picture in addition to the contrived left-wing angle that taints their newspaper.  We encourage subscriptions to the Bulletin and with enough support, The AntiBulletin can be an important alternative to help people become more knowledgeable by promoting complete and accurate information and editorials that are not full of nothingness. 


This covers the following articles and one editorial in the Bend Bulletin:

  • The lies of Twitter and the damage done against conservatives – Wed Dec 14, 2022
  • Twitter Relaunching subscriber service after debacle – Sunday Dec 11,2022
  • Twitter suspends account that tracked owner Musk’s Jet – Tues Dec 15, 2022


There is little doubt that the Bulletin will claim they are reporting on Twitter as fair and balanced reporters.  If you ask them why they didn't print any news about the assault on the first amendment, they likely will claim they are a super-good newspaper and are just trying to give people contextual or detailed information about a nationally reported story.  Only the story has been virtually ignored by all of the left-wing media conglomerates, so that would be a lie to say people already had the information.  Or they could say Elon Musk is a popular figure in the news, so the Bulletin are just innocently providing supplemental information to help you get all the information and understanding you need.  After all, Elon Musk is popular in Bend with all the Teslas around the million dollar areas of the city, so those good guys at the Bulletin are just trying to "Empower our community" to loose their faith in Tesla or empathize with all the people who are crying because they can't track Musk's private jet on Twitter.  Maybe they printed the Hewitt editorial so they can beam over their "fair and balanced" reporting.  None of these things hold water and this article dessimates all of that news and especially the editorial.  We are trying to use reasoning and facts to back up our arguments, so it's a long read.


From:  AntiBulletin

To:Gerard_O'Brien<[email protected]>

Richard Coe<[email protected]>


Before Any News About Twitter Censorship Released by Musk


It is not a big surprise, but if you were really True Liberals and True Journalists, you would be shocked and appaled at what Twitter was up to.  It is just more explicit proof that you are anti-journalists who are so caught up in left-wing nonsense you can no longer see yourselves for who you really are.  If you were True Liberals, you would value the Bill of Rights and Free Speech.  The ACLU used to be a respectable instituion harassing everyone for equal rights and transparency and now they are just another mouthpiece for left-wing abuse. All of that has gone to hell in a hand-basket. 


For all you hypocrites that are claiming Elon is a right-wing troll, he is actually the largest donor to the ACLU, has voted democrat in several elections, and he says he recommended Republicans during the mid-term elections to balance the extremely lopsided balance of power.  The Democrats and left-wing are extreme trolls on demonizing Musk when he used to be their darling before he wanted to support the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights.  As usual, these trolls are full of hypocritical nonsense.


If anyone should be reporting this story, it should be you.  It's an outrageous state of censorship and manipulation in our major social media platforms.  It should be what you are obviosuly against because we should have a free and fair press.  Instead you are probably cheering the exposure of extreme assaults against the First Amendment and free speech by ignoring it.


But no, you guys are left-wing radicals.  The last thing you want is fair, principled and ethical reporting.  The Twitter and social media censorship is one of biggest assaults on democracy and the Bill of Rights this country has ever seen.  It is the new McCarthyism of our era with cruel blacklists and supression and you left-wing socialist communists are to blame, right down the desk of the local editors in our local Bend Bulletin; actually right down to the beds they wake up in every morning to start the day’s assault against balance and fairness and honesty.  Your continued fight against a free press is going to eventually lose because the lies and misinformation will eventually lose.


  • Let's define "free press" since you do not seem to understand that concept or more importantly, the meaning of that concept.
  • Freedom of the press: the right to publish and disseminate information, thoughts, and opinions without restraint or censorship as guaranteed under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
  • Bend Bulletin definition: The right to publish whatever the heck they want to and if that means they are a 95% left-wing rag for national news and opinion, and propaganda tool of the Democrats, they are fulfilling The Bend Bulletin's meaning of a "free press".
  • The only thing good about this is that the Bulletin is exercising its rights to say anything without balance or fairness or honesty.  The bad thing is that they are abusing it by absconding their responsiblity as journalists (non-existent these days) to present fair and balanced and honest reporting, especially when they have a monopoly on the local news and opinion and claim to "empower" our community.  .  [See Launch of AntiBulletin for Five Principles of Journalism - it's in the first couple of pages].  Your obvious goal is to empower the left-wing loudmouths that pervert the nature and composition of the community as a whole.


It is so detestable that you can't do one tiny bit of independent reporting on a huge story that begs for independent journalism.  Musk has been releasing corporate facts included in documents and communications that provide strong evidence that Twitter was deceiving and lying to its users while claiming to be the town square of the world.  They have been censoring information and working directly with the government and Democrats to censor information and blacklist users who have center to right-wing views that Twitter employees don't like.  Well, hate is a better word.  The Bend Bulletin is like living in the 1950's McCarthy era and in the prior era where the term "yellow journalism" was born.


From the Launch post, here is the definition:


  • YELLOW JOURNALISM – sensational or biased stories that newspapers [modern media] present as objective truth.  “Established late 19th-century journalists coined the term to belittle the unconventional techniques of their rivals…..that the press in early America could be quite raucous, yellow journalism is generally perceived to be a late 1800s phenomenon full of lore and spin, fact and fiction, tall tales, and large personalities.” [The First Amendment Encyclopedia].  Our crisis is as simple as that. 
  • The quest of the AntiBulletin is to fight against modern yellow journalism, ANTI-JOURNALISM, and the total loss of honesty and integrity in reporting information fairly, factually and in a balanced manner.


The left-wing neo-communists (look it up please) at the old Twitter are involved in the greatest HATE SPEECH and MISINFORMATION operation in the history of the United States.  If this isn't true, prove it.  It would be amazing to see the Bulletin print even a sliver of inuendo that Twitter was a real threat to democray unlike all the nonsense threats that roll off many left-wing tongues. You could make up some facts or teleport some from Area 3 of the Mothership where Jeff Bezos lives as a commander in charge of nonsense.  Since we use the word so much, hate speech and misinformation means the sum total of censorship, lying, denying obvious facts, omitting real news....well this list is too long, but if you've bothered to read this far, you get it.


No one like you has ever defined "hate speech" or "misinformation" because you can't even see the difference between lies and facts.  As neo-communists like your brethren in the US government, WAPO and left-wing media skyscrapers, you all should write your own dictionary of neocommunist word definitions in the spirit of China or the old Soviet Union; boy do we miss those guys.  At least they were real communists and socialists who executed people for misinformation.  That seems to be the track our country is on.


Hate speech isn’t just all the phony hateful things said by the left-wing Democrats and media about republicans or anyone who disagrees with them. Hate speech represents all the lies of omission which essentially amount to hateful speech, discrimination, and censorship against many good people that don’t deserve it.  The Dems always want to demonize, exploit facts and non-facts to cancel people who disagree with them. Along with lying, these components all add up to hate speech targeted at the opponents of their way of life and anti-democratic values.


Another Embarrassment on the World Stage


Twitter is just another embarrassment on the pile of shameful behaviors and actions of Biden's America, the Democrats and the covert left-wing sympathizers and activists in our government institutions, FBI and state and local governments across the country.  When it was a publicly owned company, Twitter claimed it was the town square of the world where “everyone” has a voice and to promote honest debate to increase "everyone's" knowledge and information to determine their personal foundation for decisions, considerations and elections. 


We need a lot of definitions to be clear.  "Everyone" means right-wing, left-wing, outer-space left-wing, republicans, the Proud Boys, black people, black people who are smeared as "the Black face of white supremacy", homeless broke people, drug addicts,  mentally ill people, drug addicted mentally ill people, the great people serving in our armed forces, biological and non-biological men and woman serving prison sentences, and the Democrat so-called "nonexestent" Antifa (for antifascist folks fuel assaults and riots at street level with weapons, projectiles,  inciting or starting fires and so on.    The Democrats and media et al declared this peaceful protesting, the lead story on CNN backed by buildings on fire all over the place...:0).  Who cares whether Antifa exists or not?  There are plenty of right and left wing extremists who want some sort of violence to hit their targets.


Twitter is the DE FACTO town square of the world and that has evolved into a fact.  It's not perfect, and you can still do a lot of damage in 280 characters including URLs up to 300.  So, as American represntatives of Free Speech and representations that they are the fair and balanced Town Square of the world, they to mee higher standards above and beyond laws and regulations with high regard for the founding principles of our country. The should also have a reasonable level of nonpartisan government oversite; not with free speech tweets, but with respect to policies that ensure they are not defrauding Americans with lies and misrepresentations. The old Twitter is another one of America's self-induced embarrassments on the world stage.  We fly the flags of free speech and the Bill of Rights all over the world as if they were true American virtues.  The truth is we look like a totalitarian society who have special agents commissioned by the government and the Democrats to tell us what to think and believe.


For people who argue that Twitter is a private company who can do whatever the heck they want - they can and they do.  It is all supported by the Bill of Rights and the Constitution until it crosses a line.  That line SHOULD BE egregious fraud and and violation of multiple federal and state laws against misrepresenting products and lying to consumers – of course lying is made of two critical components – bald-faced lies and lies of omission. 


For example, they can propagandize and demonize opponents to lead us down the road to electric cars, but they bury the truth with lies of ommission. [The Bulletin gets a journalistic thumbs up for the editorial on "Magical Thinking" over electric cars-please subscribe.]  Electric car propagandists don't tell you that the world will have to be strip-mined by slaves and children (the thumbs-up editorial left all that out), and we have to find new sources of energy to power the electrical grid or just stay on fossil fuels which defeats the purpose.   Even new laws in California and other states are being passed with zero knowlegde and information departed to the public about the truth underlying the virtue laden electric car market.


It is against laws and regulations for private companies to operate or advertise in ways that misrepresent company operating policies to millions of stockholders who put their money down on “free speech” and and had high growth expectations for another "Big Tech" company.  Twitter is a financial failure, stockholders lost out, but who is going to be responsible now that Twitter is tetering and Musk’s life is under constant threat of left-wing violence because he is trying to end censorship and bans, the lifeblood of the old Twitter.


It's not surprising that Twitter has been a financial failure for its former stockholders.  Most of the left-wing cabals at CNN, MSNBC and their left-wing media conglomerates full of your compatriots have lost money and have low TV ratings.  Lots of news people are still being fired and outfits like CNN say they are moving to the center (which was a joke! We've been monitoring nonsense channels to gather facts and information unlike you who never sees anything but chaos beamed down from the Mothership, especially from Area 3 where Bezos is a commander).


Low ratings and vacant credibility is mostly due to reporting or yelling from a dazzling little merry-go-round of Trump bashing, GOP bashing, how a bunch of grandmas and crazy people were going to take down democracy on J6 (never even got close) and other pretty little horses of rotating nonsense.  Most facts fall through the Swiss cheese, apologies to the Swiss.  Each little horse has a loudmouthed mouthpiece, but they are all amplified on the same merry-go-round of nonsense using a small subset of carefully cherry-picked facts.  There are about 15 left-wing outlets to every center or center-right media platform.


Since the New Twitter cannot be sued by former stockholders who lose all their rights once their stock is paid for by Musk, perhaps the executives in charge of misrepresenting the company and lying to consumers can be stripped of their former glory, and they should be sued for the extreme perversion and fraud that impaled consumers around the world. 


At least their attorney, who worked on other left-wing debacles, was fired for trying to cover up documents and communications that clearly reveal censorship, suspension, banning or lowering visibility of conservative people and commentaries.  Why Musk didn't fire him right away is a mystery since James Baker was at the heart of the Russian-election-interferance-spy hoax over the 2016 election, and has colluded in other left-wing plots at Twitter, such as censoring the Hunter Biden story, censoring the New York Post, the 4th largest newspaper, lying about why they did it, and doing it right before the election.  Baker is a master of censorship and misinformation.


The Bend Bulletin is no different than CBS with their repugnant reporting and blatant lies of omission.  Right in the initial releases of Twitter censorship, CBS ran a report smearing the financial condition of Tesla and smearing their outlook on the electric car market.  There hasn't been a peep from them or all of you communist compatriots about the assault on the FIrst Amendment and the total lack of journalism around the story. 


You communist-like people are just trying to take down Musk by censoring the news – the very thing that Musk is revealing to the world: how much Twitter censored and manipulated users and stories against people like us or say like James Bennet former editor at the NYT who said: management “set me on fire and threw me in the garbage” to “gain the applause and welcome of the left”. 


Save working with the FBI and government because the Bulletin doesn't matter in a national context, you guys have made yourself into the image of Twitter, the Washington Post and MSNBC.  You are ignorant followers instead of being leaders to truly empower our community.


The Bend Bulletin are the panderers in chief lording over Bend Oregon while CBS and their ilk infect the whole nation with blatant anti-journalism.  You light legitimate people like us on fire and throw them in the garbage every day, either in the trash next to the bed from which you arise in the morning or as you make your beeline into the heart of the Bend Bulletin where you have a large dumpster of full of legtimate news and opinion.  We in the community have to work hard and work overtime just to overcome the extreme bias and pick through the trash.  You really hate your community based because you want to make or keep them ignorant of the whole story.


Articles to Smear and Take down Elon Musk


Your Twitter article about $8 subscriptions from left-wing compatriot Associated Press is ridiculous compared to the assault on the First Amendment.  The Twitter activity is criminal because they intentionally attempted to change the outcome of elections not to mention constant lying to the public.  This is far more egregious than a rogue Trump overriding democracy on a daily basis with his nonsense...or about Twitter goofing up subscriptions under a new owner. 


So what was the point of the $8 subscription article and why is that considered news amongst a lot of news that is much more high priority, such as Twitters assault on free speech?  Why do we, here in Bend, need to know Musk’s Twitter account for his jet is suspended?  Who in Bend is tracking Musk's jet or even on Twitter discussing issues? How in the hell does that Empower OUR community?


Let's see, YOUR empowered community must be full of jet trackers and people tracking the financial status of Twitter.  One of your favorite terms "Mr." O'Brien, "a sad state of affairs" (one of YOUR lies that five people were killed in the Capitol Riot) should be that there has been an ongoing assualt on free speech by Twitter.  Maybe not in YOUR families and communities, but there are many people in OUR community that would care about this over your stupidly prioritized little stories that no one cares about.  (Sorry about using "Mr.".  You did that to a loyal reader who was lambasted by a letter in your paper.  A true sign of anger and disrespect and something you regularly promote.)


Even good liberals, or old fashioned liberals would heartily agree with the characterization that we consumers have been exploited and influenced by your paper and the assault on our inherent rights to get the truth through honest, fair and balanced reporting.  Instead we have to work hard to find the truth overcoming obstacles just like Mr. O'Brien's newspaper.


It is truly a load of nonsense from your byline of "empowering the community" to what you think is important news.  Now you've reported on Twitter troubles with subscriptions and suspending Musk's account for the jet but nothing about the assault on the Bill of Rights, a true threat to democracy that has probably already and illicitly changed the balance of power.


Political Donations to Promote Propaganda


The Democrats via the left-wing media also have a huge stacks of money hidden in unaccounted for political donations amounting to Billions.  That means the democrats are getting Billions in free promotion and propaganda while the republicans get nothing.  Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms are the master political action committee over the Democrats.  It only cost Musk 44 Billion to prove Twitter was dispersing propaganda and censoring conservatives, lying to congress and generally subscribing to a totalitarian way of life run by people who want to tell us what to read and think.


Let’s define propaganda:  One definition is the Bend Bulletin.  A more specific definition is that propaganda is withholding information from the population to affect policies Twitter doesn’t support and to influence the outcome of all national elections.  Twitter is the height of propaganda in the United States rivaling entire countries like China and North Korea.


The Bend Bulletin is at the heart of the threat to democracy on a local level, the most important level in many respects where people only have one newspaper to rely on and the editors can go full bore left-wing because it is THEIR community, not OUR community. 


Twitter and Facebook influenced the outcome of elections JUST LIKE THE BEND BULLETIN DID AND JUST LIKE YOU WILL CONTINUE DOING. It's like reading a communist manifesto everyday: The Bend Bulletin!


WAPO Twitter Editorial – December 14, 2022


Your Twitter editorial wasn't lost on us as bland and ridiculous as it was.  There are several problems with this.  On the simplest level, who would even know about the Twitter crimes, censorship and blacklisting news since you never reported what the news was? 


Hugh Hewitt didn’t report facts about Twitter’s evil behavior; he reported the little things that bothered him since he is a "conservative".  It was a “me, me, me” article, poor little guy…the Bend Bulletin wants us to feel sorry for him, another ridiculous smear on conservatives.  We feel sorry that Hugh is being used as your false flag operation to present honest reporting from an opposite viewpoint of your paper, something which failed on some as it should for all. You are welcome to argue why this is wrong. 


On a more critical note, an overriding problem is that Hugh is a writer for the Washington Post, one of the most radical left-wing papers in the nation.  [See that AntiBulletin Media Bias Chart at the end of this article and elsewhere].  Even their so-called conservatives have to have their mouths taped shut with nose breathing only or get fired.  One fact that cancels Hugh’s entire premise is that he claims he gushed about Twitter to all his conservative buddies and they all went for it and now he is so embarrassed about that since Twitter was censoring "his" people.  We are not his people; he is a traitor to not write a decent editorial.


He says, “Over and over, I and others on the center-right knocked down talk of behind-the-scenes activists busy silencing activists from the approved party line”.  Then he says folks that were paranoid about Twitter have been proved right and, lightly, he whispers “those of us who dismissed their concerns: wrong, wrong, wrong”.  Poor little guy.


This whole thing can make your head explode if you think about it, so don’t.  Most conservatives have known for years that Twitter is a left-wing castle on the highest hill of misinformation by censoring information, banning or hiding conservatives and/or their posts, and taking orders from the Biden government, FBI and Democrats.  This has been reported for years in conservative media with proof offered that people are getting their Tweets censored and that they weren’t reaching people. 


Let’s say it again, conservatives have known about this all along and Hugh is just making nonsense that conservatives didn’t know.  We knew it all along and Uncle Hugh is just a sheep in wolves clothing.  This one fact cancels his whole editorial because it is just a lie that un-stupid, un-ignorant people didn’t know the truth about Twitter.  Obviously not the readers of the Bend Bulletin.  Any fool could see they were a Democrat and left-wing stronghold, so that conclusion was made years and years ago.  This is Hugh's big fools gold -that he is a normal conservative.  BS.  He is a controlled person in the left-wing media.


The truth is that this is a consequential assault on democracy.  We'll reference that since that's what the Dems have been claiming for the last few years on every little lie and Trumpism.  Our modern voting laws, for instance, are not Jim Crow and there is a mountain of evidence to defy that.  Puritan views on abortion are from people who value all life and not ripping a baby out of the womb at nine months, so their view is at least equally valid to people who want partial or post-birth abortion (with no claim on what we believe – go watch the videos of partial birth abortions).  Then there are the Trumpers and the GOP non-racists who are just simple people with an opinion who are targeted as an evil bunch of republicans operating alongside Hitler and his nazis on the 7th level of hell below.  We have never met those people and that is a promise.


Instead, censorship and bans and suspensions have critically influenced elections, how we managed the pandemic, the truth about the riots in 2020 and of course Afghanistan, the "greatest airlift in world history" while OUR people are being executed in the street, and so on.  People died and were hurt and confused and we still don’t know if cloth or KN10000000 masks work.  The government was in chaos because of scientists versus personalities, and the democrats and politically CONTROLLED people in the government like the CDC, who are supposed to be an independent institution to manage health risks, are in the big puppet show tangling up all the strings.


It’s hard to say how the following points of Hugh Hewitt nonsense should be ordered, perhaps sequentially because the main point is that this story is more than an editorial written by someone from WAPO who didn’t know Twitter was a left-wing cabal.  Some of this stuff is just so stupid that it is hard to believe the Bulletin wouldn't at least try to see through this.


Well as he gets into it, Hewitt says Dorsey lied to congress and and put up a “smokescreen” that Twitter was truly a free speech platform.  This is left-wing dribble building up in a sick puddle.  Dorsey lied to congress, but we probably won’t see Jack in Jail soon.  "Smokescreen" is a clear violation of our intelligence.  Twitter wanted to tell people what to think and believe or follow left-wing government orders. 


The entire matter is extremely more than a smokescreen….how about handcuffs and trip to Rikers for all the executives and attorneys and incompetent people that broke the law and allowed this to happen.  Employees at Twitter who tried to go against this should be lionized.  These people might be real liberals who value the First Amendment and we have a ton of respect for any remaining True Liberals because they know how to do the high school debate team [see Launch in the first few paragraphs for the story].


Then Hugh calls censorship “any message out of favor with Twitter management” like they are kings and queens going through a long line of peasants some of which they don’t like,  and it’s “off with their heads”.  Easy as pie.  Just about every message from anyone on the center to center-right was out-of-favor.  That adds up to a formal operational daily routine of censorship, suspending and banning.  This was the heart of operations policies at Twitter.


Then he complains about the reporters that are publishing the information in Tweets and wishing to the tooth fairy that Twitter would just release all the information in one giant document, just like it was one big Tweet.  There are several problems here beginning with one, there is no tooth fairy, and two, it has been very effective to release it one Tweet at a time, instead of post it on a website in a 10,000 page document next to Joe Biden’s promises to unify the country and bring the adults back in the room.


The real problem is that those are all interesting little niggling points from Hewitt that might be good leftovers from the main story, say about 100th on the list of news priorities.  The substance of each Tweet release shows an amazingly huge step-by-step effective assault on free speech in the USA and the world. 


Ooops, cancel the world.  The True Evil Dictators can post and promote violence, genocide, wiping Israel off the face of the map and “so on”.  So far, we didn’t hear that from Hugh and as you can see, he is a left-wing WAPO employee who writes what he is told or Get Fired. Hugh says nothing about Twitter evilness and implies that censorship, while concerning, is no big deal.  It's mostly a big inconvenience for Hugh, poor little guy.


Of course reporters are all complaining about Musk not releasing the whole story, but for us normal folks, it's given us a chance to take in the story one bite at a time.  Why reporters need any more information than Twitter was running their own version of McCarthyism for years doesn't make sense.  Yes it will be nice to have it all, but we have already reached the bottom line and more info is just yummy icing on the cake.


Take this example that Hugh makes – he  says, “Imagine the hours you would invest in preparing a lecture, a sermon or simply an advertisement if you were ‘told’ [by who?] it might be heard by 1,000, 10,000 or 100,000 people.  Only after you have finished do you discover that your time has been wasted and you can never get it back”. 


WOW, this poor little guy - each victimization  brings us to a parade of tears.  In the meantime, the damage to free speech has already been done and we can’t get that back forever.  Lives were lost, people were severely hurt or misinformed, and it’s a lot more than some vague concept that can’t be proved.  People prove it in various ways every day, such as this massive censorship exposure by a worldwide business who represents America.


What does Hewitt mean by using the word “told”.  All that means is that a public company owned by stockholders were defrauded by Twitter management and lied to when Dorsey testified to congress.  Twitter represented that Tweeters could reach everyone with no discrimination or censorship or lowering or elminating visibilty of posts.  Meanwhile they a regular operation of following orders of the FBI, Democrats and United States Government.


Then he throws out a question: “Has the Securities & Exchange Commission begun a hard look into the investor statements of this formerly traded company?”.  This is ridiculous, for one, it’s a few years too late for that question on the financial front and the heart of censorship at Twitter.  Why would the SEC do that now?  To what end other than to try to make more trouble for Musk. 


We all know the left-wing and Joe Biden and company are working hard to take him down.  It is so outrageous that leaders in our government and our formerly sacred institutions are targeting opponents through the FBI, DOJ, and IRS.  This is clearly a major step toward a communistic government.  They are no different at the Bend Bulletin.  You take liberties to hurt people you don't like and you do it effectively.


Two, yes the SEC should look into Twitter defrauding millions of customers and misrepresenting the dishonest claims of the company.  That would be the only useful way to certify the facts which would no doubt turn into a wasteful perversion of time and money as the dems in the deep government plot to dismiss the charges.


The SEC reference is just another red-herring type comment to act like they are poking the belly of Twitter with a sharp spear but there is no hope of breaking skin toward the heart of the whale - hard core censorship.  [red herring: A red herring is something that misleads or distracts from a relevant or important question. It may be either a logical fallacy or a literary device that leads readers or audiences toward a false conclusion.  A red herring may be used intentionally as part of rhetorical strategies in politics.]  The Democrats and the left wing are experts in red herrings cooked up in the Mothership.


In a few more days we will probably hear from the Dems and the left-wing that this is all Trump’s fault or racism or all the other usual suspects with no facts.  It's the old "Trump is so bad", we should supend the Constitution and Bill of Rights and law enforcement such as in the J6 riot - see failure of our government and law enforcement in

Election, January 6, & Trump is Not Above the Law:

Non-Discussion w/the Editor of the Bulletin



Twitter is going to have enough trouble getting back on its feet without “conservatives” like Hugh Hewitt casting shadows and left-wing nonsense where he can.  The Bend Bulletin is in there with the best of them trying to beat down Elon Musk and the new Twitter because you and your ilk hate free speech.  That is the True Hate- hate of free speech.


Hugh says Trump’s account was cancelled, and then “information about Hunter Biden was ‘lightly rationed’”.  This is repugnant ignorance!  Hunter’s story was censored across America and all the left-wing stations and newspapers and social media platforms. 


Then he said their “decisions to do so were public, and Twitter users could factor them into their perceptions of the world.”  This is stupid and outrageous.  No one could make any decisions because Hunter’s laptop news was reported to be a Russian plot to interfere with the election.  50 former “spies" and "intelligence" "agents” who should be executed or put in jail for treason lied about it when any fool could see it was real.  This was an “intelligence operation” for sure; an assault against intelligence and a victory for lies and misinformation. [See Election Interference, Trump & January 6].


Here is Hugh’s clincher, “The most damaging result of this scandal will be further erosion of faith in elections in the social media era”.  Huh?! Wow, Hugh or Mr. Hewitt, that is one big nuclear bomb conclusion.


There is no need to repeat over and over what is wrong with this.  “Scandal”?  This is not a scandal.  Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski doing oral sex in the oval office with cigars is a scandal.  This is an assault on free speech and free elections and healthy debate from all sides and an assault on our way of life.  It’s been ordered by the left-wing media who report bullet riddled stories favoring their fantasy world, or ordered in secret meetings with the FBI and the government or the Democrats.  Twitter was another branch of the government and a ready operative for the Democratic party.


This is just another fake news column by the Bend Bulletin to censor right-minded opinions and to keep their readers stupid and ignorant or both.  It’s their little fake flag of virtue that they are doing fair and balanced reporting by giving their readers cotton candy full of hot air and zero credibility from a guy who calls himself a “conservative”.  It is "easy as pie" to dissect and destroy the editorial and the reporting by the Bend Bulletin which is on the warpath to cover up crimes and to promote censorship and misinformation across our nation.


And this is another fool’s paradise on the level of high nonsense.  The Bulletin expects you to go out and get your own version of the news as if everyone has time to do that with families, jobs and lies about the economy from Biden and company.  We expect the Bulletin to give us ALL critical information or cherry-pick the most important information above their shadow of extreme bias. Don't you feel just chock-full of information and understanding now that you know about Musk's fluctuating business of electric cars during hard economic times, rising interest rates and your amazing focus on the electric car market?  Huh?  Aren't you sad that Musk's Twitter jet-tracking audience is going into deprivation of their version of critical news? 


The Bulletin is tiny, so they can only print a tiny fraction of the news every day.  So what do they do?  They wasted that precious space on two low priority news items and one fool's editorial by Hugh Hewitt, the farthest person away from being a true conservative, all to smear and demean Musk and hopefully get him canceled.  Sorry guys, $44 Billion was a cancellation defiance order.


Instead of making our lives better and EMPOWERING OUR COMMUNITY with fair and balanced news and commentary, your approach to news is chaotic because what is important is censored and what is nonsense is given high visibility….just like the old Twitter.  You guys are no different.


The starting line problem is that you chose to report some bogus opinion about Twitter BEFORE you ever reported the facts of the news.  So far you have never reported the facts.  The editorial uses some facts to reference Hewitt’s left-leaning opinion.  Instead, you reported about some dumb subscription story that doesn't even come close to the assault on democracy and free speech and our Bill of Rights by a company that claims to be the world's town square. 


You know, and we know, these little stories and editorials are left-wing hit pieces to smear Musk.  He used to be the darling of the left with electric cars and providing satellite communications for Ukraine.  Now he wants free speech which means you neo-communists hate that, so let's attack him with nonsense-negative news or just omit it altogether to keep YOUR EMPOWERED people stupid and ignorant.




Don't ever remind us again, Gerry, about how you print facts on the news pages and opinions in the editorials.  That is just not true, if you know what that means.


In Closing


We don't dislike you guys; you are irresponsible anti-journalists and you think you are running a real newspaper.   You have the luxury of thousands of other papers doing the same thing or worse, so it's virtually an acceptable practice to engage in anti-journalism.  You are not independent and instead prefer to be followers who like to shape the news to conform and quiet down loudmouthed leftists.  


You likely think you are too important; you have to do it to save democracy.  That is the prevailing tidal wave is that Trump is so bad, and republicans are so evil, you all are justified in suspending the Bill of Rights and the Constitution so you can have the world be your way.  A lot of people who are not part of the "Empowered" YOUR community deeply disagree.   OUR community includes you guys, but there are probably a majority of people who keep quiet.  We know so first hand.  Elections are all we have and you will do your best to help rig them with all your newspaper skills and taking orders from commanders on the Mothership.


We are not complaining about your people who border on journalists for local news….they "border" on journalists because they work for you where anti-journalism is the policy of the Bend Bulletin.  Your homelessness series is good journalism. Your subscription to left-wing news to print what damages your opponents the most should be "exited".