Obviously, these principles are nonexistent in today’s furious version of yellow journalism. You can’t name one organization that is truly following these principles. They are truly a joke. The analysis of these principles is beyond the scope of this article, but coming soon we will use and analyze our ideas and facts in this context, including comparisons of these obvious principles against the reality of them not being connected to anything going on in modern “journalism”. Suffice it to say, “modern journalism” is unprincipled with no regard for ethics, integrity, or honesty. The people are “newspeople” who perform extremely biased reporting with no fairness or balance promoting the agendas of about half the American public.
We had to go to the Foreign Media Association in Turkey to find a scaled down set of principles that drive the code of ethics for journalism. Or let’s put it this way….Google search sent us there. The Professional Society of Journalists (PSJ) has journalistic principles buried in a code of ethics with about 100 bullet points. It reads more like a social justice manifesto and the multiple wordy bullet points obfuscate the critical nature of the ethical principles needed to report news and opinion in a fair and balanced manner. This warrants a separate code of ethics to only cover fairness and balance, and honesty and integrity that isn’t buried in 2 bullet points.
Nevertheless, there are some good rules in there such as avoid working undercover, don’t plagiarize (duh Biden is not a journalist), avoid pandering (which is the wave of misinformation used by propogandists to placate their lemming screams), acknowledge mistakes and correct them promptly and prominently (can you say Hunter Biden? CBS and Leslie Stahl will never apologize or at least not until someone from the left gangs up on them), never deliberately distort facts or context (lots of laughs), don’t take bribes and so on. The AntiBulletin accepts donations for good journalism and to make the paper viable, but not bribes. Independence at all costs…including going out of business. That is modern journalism – try to put anyone out of business that disagrees with the left’s extremely biased opinions and continuous flow of misinformation to stupid and/or ignorant people.
This PSJ Code of Ethics is a stack of neatly piled garbage. It is prominently cut and pasted on a single web page of the Bend Bulletin. Even if these so-called “ethics” make sense in some way, it is just a façade plastered on the website to mollify themselves that they are ethical journalists. It would be a surprise if anyone looked at the Code because most people don’t care about journalistic integrity or ethics and most people DON’T WANT ethical journalism. They want to live inside a beehive with a steady diet of left or right-wing honey and no stinging each other unless there is no other option. The queen bees are whatever news outlet glorifies their ignorance while she fertilizes perpetuation of the buzzing species.
Investigation and Evidence
Complete investigation and evidence should provide accurate information including context and obstacles or risks preventing a full story. It should be little different than a court of law without all the pesky Bill of Rights constraints on evidence and criminal history. The journalist finds all sides of the story and creates a balance of news to help a consumer get all the information efficiently. That becomes a trusted source who will give you most of what you need. With the downfall of journalism, there is no court of law, and each side has their own pile of evidence to lead you down narrow mole holes with no “Sunshine”. You can burrow down there indefinitely and eventually you turn into a one-track rabid mole.
Misinformation, without regard to the right and left media definitions, is being peddled at more furious levels now, and it is essential that the American people be critical and suspicious of the mainstream media, and more specifically, The Bend Bulletin with the byline “Empowering Our Community”. The Bend Bulletin primarily powers THEIR community which doesn’t include a significant number of us….about 50% at the national level.
For national news, reporting and opinion, the Bend Bulletin is in the image of the Washington Post, a radical left wing news organization that has silenced most of their true journalists and most conservative views like all the big city papers. In a rare mistake, a NYT editor approved a Tom Cotton editorial (conservative opinion). That opinion editor, James Bennet, was run out of the building by crying, angry people NYT reporters and security guards who then went back to their crying room just off the newsroom. Bennet said the left-wing publisher “set me on fire and threw me in the garbage” to “gain the applause and welcome of the left”. That is the left-wing news in a nutshell.
Power and Lies
People in power lie because that is what they do or what they can do or what they might do even if they didn’t want to. One way or another, they can’t help it. The obvious people in power are part of a multilayered government, but the people with the most power own, manage or operate media platforms. The other people are billionaires. On the organization chart, the government and billionaires are on the top with the media platforms reporting to one or another or both. Billionaires are also behind political parties and candidate grooming in the image of their globalist, leftist opinions.
The press used to be our watchdogs on the incestuous matrix of politicians, government, and corporations. True Journalists should be watchdogs to unwind lies through investigation and evidence, and present that in a compelling manner supported by logical arguments. Instead, reporters, anchors, pundits and reverends are all reporting to higher authorities on the left-wing mothership, none of who report to God. Pure hypocrisy is surgically designed at the mothership and sent down to the peons of propaganda who gladly hand out free Swiss Cheese.
Watchdogs? Not! with a capital N. Where were the fool reporters on the FTX crypto crash? Busy being fools in their windup jack-in-the-boxes who are proclaiming some nonsense. They were busy producing the celebrity, business and news magazine covers to revere the wonderkid with curly hair running a sex palace in the Bahamas and a trillion-dollar empire in his underwear. All these stupid national personalities and dumb celebrities telling people to jump in…and now billions are gone forever. Who was looking into the foundation under FTX and following the money trail? It was outside the US, all the more reason for a good journalist to get to the bottom of the story through nongovernmental means. Another failure caused by flopping fish in the sand at sea level with no time to even glance at the impossible mountain of journalism where red lights are flashing to pay attention to critical things and not constant nonsense.
The other problem is billionaires with too much time on their hands no constraints on how far they can take anything they want to do, save invoking the devil. They can order around people in any business or walk of life and confuse or damage entire countries with their virtuistic efforts to improve humanity or feed the children. They are also not above knocking someone off if necessary for revenge or silencing. We don’t have evidence because there isn’t any….these people are financial “pros” – that is, everything has a price, after all.
How people think and operate becomes more obvious with age. It’s when these billionaires start aging that their impact becomes more detrimental to mankind or, excuse me, humankind. As age wears in, they become deeply entrenched in their social circles, political views, and parties as they suck air through increasingly smaller echo chambers of reverberated narratives. Narratives being the story of a little girl who travels off to Gramma’s house sideswiping evil threats in the thick woods only to eventually be eaten by the wolf if you don’t vote democrat. Or you don’t support the fantasy march to globalism and by then, Soylent Green. All the minerals and chemicals across the world were expended on electric jets and rockets and tractors and trains dug up by neglected slaves and children who died doing the digging and mining. There is no more farmland and no more food. The question will loom, will there be less to eat every Soylent Green production cycle until no one is left….? Or do we just keep creating human food through short life-spans like any good manufacturing cycle?
At some point you realize that a billionaire’s success was having the privilege to exist at the right place at the right time, plus some dastardly side work as needed. A billionaire financial wizard usually has a lot of cleverness and hidden evilness that leaks through their various efforts and businesses. Bill Gates used to just yell at employees for being stupid and now he is a globalist molding the world into a left-wing image of himself. (His most famous line at Microsoft is “That’s the stupidest f***ing thing I’ve ever heard” which also applies to his philanthropic leadership). In the name of third-world countries, he’s wasted billions on doing project management projects on computers to direct managers on how and what to tell people on the ground. They must do some good somewhere, but experience says we know how it’s done – lots of overhead using project managers that are clever, follow orders, are sometimes smart, but usually operate as task masters brought on to whip the whip. Just like our loyal border agents.
Billionaire Jeff Bezos runs Area 3 in the Mothership on the left side of the universe. His force beams down the WAPO narrative to large and small targets across the country. One of the WAPO’s slick strategies is to sell discount information and opinions so even a little paper like the Bend Bulletin can afford it. All the better to reach the smallest niches to create division down to the ants in a little city. Media like WAPO and NYT have daily clips and live opinions on news talk shows who discuss issues either demonizing the right or making fools of themselves to the right. Jeff is in his little echo chamber on the mothership spouting virtues that are ordered down to the newsroom for dissemination or you’re fired. If you are one of the reporters waiting for orders from the billionaire or the government, you know you are not a journalist. How and why do we as consumers buy this utter lack of integrity in the news? And why do you, a “journalist wannabe” do this instead of being a True Journalist?
Now the latest billionaire owner owns the left-wing-saturated-censored Twitter. He believes he is going to flip a switch like a toy to allow something closer to a free speech platform where debate is the health and sunshine of a thriving democracy. The best ideas will win and our country could be a better place for all. The billionaire, who used to be revered by the left as a brilliant god of electric transportation and who flew his personal satellites over Ukraine to give them internet and communications is now just like Hitler on the 7th level of Hell because he dares to support Free Speech, where debate is sunshine against left-wing propaganda and censorship. What will the world be without censorship and shutting down viewpoints that represent 50% of the population? Without Twitter, how will the government and the left-wing assist in rigging elections? The leftist mob is pulling out their hair as they head for the crying rooms.
The all-new All-American Billionaire with his proprietary mothership is triggering weak hearts and bloated minds. CBS even resigned from Twitter…another news story that is a helium-filled virtue balloon to mollify the billionaires that run their empire. Oh, and don’t forget a friendly visit to social media sites and newsrooms from the FBI and DOJ to order censorship of anti-left-wing facts and to send opposition posts to the bottom, preferably beyond reach. True Journalism should exist to help the average American sort through chaos to gain a fair and balanced view of information with less effort and less emotion. Elon Musk understands this, and he keeps it simple, which means another trip to the crying room, already filled with people who are forced by Darth Vader to work an 8 hour day in the office.
WHY Questions
The average person who tries to get along in our multi-cultured society probably asks simple questions that are never answered. “Why can’t people be any color and just have varying opinions and civil discussions? Why can’t people express opinions and the facts and arguments that back up those opinions? Why is diversity only dictated by the left-wing for pet cultural and social peeves by political or cultural identity people while no value is given to diversity of news and opinion given by a diverse group of people?” Journalism is dead and all we have are biased, stupid or ignorant authors and reporters that are influenced or directed by the worst purveyors of misinformation in many of our country’s leaders and media conglomerates.
AntiBulletin Battle Against Anti-Journalism
We need a voice of reason and publications like the Bend Bulletin are working hard to infiltrate Bend Oregon with left-wing values and tons of illogical nonsense, and stupid or ignorant or dishonest reporting, and generally chaining us with cement blocks in a bottomless sea of lies and weapons and wars among tribal factions. It’s hard to believe our little paper is up to that, but taken over a multi-year subscription, it is obvious. It’s the sea level argument where media has no higher aspirations that to be willing partners in left-wing torture and nonsense. Their starting point is that they are right and you are wrong. They are way left and if you don’t like it, then you must be way right.
The launch of the AntiBulletin is in response to the total loss of journalistic ethics and standards across our country and in our little town of Bend Oregon. For now, the primary purpose is a lone battle against the anti-journalism movement.
The byline of the AntiBulletin, “Democracy Survives in Sunshine” is in direct opposition to the Washington Post’s (WAPO) “Democracy dies in the dark” and their significant role of deprecating journalism from a hopefully ethical profession to another branch of government. With sunshine, the rats will run and the facts will rise in the light. The WAPO byline would be more appropriate as “Democracy Killed by Anti-journalism Movement Inside Our Walls”.
Extreme publications like WAPO report propaganda, lies and lies of omission with an extremely unbalanced level of news and opinion. They often focus on singular issues for days, weeks, months, and years. Can you say Trump, for example, among many? Some of the lies are truly outrageous and the accountability and mistakes are never acknowledged.
Fox has been running the Hunter Biden laptop for more than years now since it was reported by the NY Post. Today, 11/21/22, CBS just admitted the laptop was “verified”. The first time the Hunter laptop story came up on Fox in 2020, any fool could see it was the real thing. There were too many emails and pictures and details that were too complex to clone the look and feel from scratch by foreign minion agents. Plus, it was plainly visible from the photos and the street language and slang in emails. 50 intelligence agents said it was a Russian hoax and the AntiBulletin says it looks real to us. Again, those people are traitors for being political pawns instead of putting national security first and giving us a realistic threat assessment of how the US might be compromised. This one story could have changed the presidential election outcome had it been fairly presented at the time. It’s beyond outrageous and we still don’t what the damage is from lawbreaking and influence peddling are because no one has investigated in 2 years. The FBI and DOJ are all run by political left-wing agendas that refuse to put national security and illegal actions ahead of left-wing values and narratives. It’s truly unbelievable that this is the damaged state of our country and that it is better to be a traitor to national security than to be an objective source of facts and context that are not derived by political priorities.
Narrative: A carefully constructed story full of lies and exaggerations supported by arguments that only make sense to the storyteller until the story starts repeating itself. Storytellers: The group of folks who all have the same narrative that is passed down from the mothership and disseminated among the masses. Yellow journalism: uses narratives that are full of stories and “spin, fact and fiction, tall tales, and large personalities”.
Inspection and evidence in these left-wing cabals are limited to that which supports a particular narrative to distribute through multiple malleable narrative-compliant media outlets that exist on platforms of boiling bias. Of course bias exists, but that should be subjugated in the shadow of True Journalism. Instead, the narrative-ized news and opinion is handed down by revered figures, such as Reverend Sharp or Nancy Pelosi or Joe Biden, in generational-like story telling. Smaller but effective narratives are handed down by AOC and the Squad; they usually manage to poke pins into the belly of the whale. The stories are handed down through a large tree of storytellers, each person molding and exaggerating the fantasy into an elite, virtuistic-laden platitude of birds that fly off into the nether. The stories are injected into the internet so victims can easily find echoing lies and nonsense that keep the people marching as minions on the orders of the people in charge.
The unfair media promotes one of the many agendas across a democrat-controlled government, and left-wing radical politics. Censoring opponents is a top tactic of their strategy, and they carry out orders as an administrative branch of government. They work directly for their political party for free when it should be considered a campaign donation. By the hour it would amount to billions. Activist reporters are the antithesis of independence when they take orders from government or the left-wing mothership or the Billionaires. They think journalists are special anointed people who are supposed to tell you how to think and feel. Because YOU are too stupid or too ignorant to know better.
There is no(0) accountability and no apologies for major mistakes that have directly influenced the outcome of elections. The one thing they do exercise is transparency, but only by default. Any person who cares about the “truth” can easily see through their agendas and biases, perverted narratives, and activist censorship of news and opinions that don’t favor their narratives. All you have to do is look at their math which is always missing a critical equation. People don’t want “truth” and the media would go out of business if they started reporting “truth”.
The word “truth” was considered as part of the AntiBulletin byline, but “truth” has pummeled our heads and hearts frequently for every circumstance or event. The America people are mostly numb when hearing a so-called “truth”. It is like “racism” or “white supremacy”. Now everything that needs a punch in the gut is called “racist”, especially when there are no tangible facts or incomplete facts or completely perverted facts to back it up. Absolute lies are referred to as the “truth” by reporters, tv anchors, opinion hosts and newspapers run by activist reporters and editors. Journalists were left off that list because they don’t lie and distort the truth to serve a master. All these media hacks present the opposite of the news and opinion by continuous rejection of facts, details, balance, and analysis in that order. Oh, and the president of our United States and the attorney general over the Department of Justice and the Secretary of Homeland Security lie all the time…every day one or another of them are on TV lying.
The AntiBulletin will provide no façade of fairness or objectivity until the Bend Bulletin becomes a fair and balanced paper and hopefully, they can lead for once to help ascend to the ethical honest profession of True Journalism. It will be one little source that battles the hundreds of biased sources who keep a lid on the can of journalism stuck in the back of their pantry with other cans of truth they don’t like to eat. All the nonsense is within easy reach in the front next to the cans of beans, spam, and pickled pigs’ feet.
For now, this is a battle against a failure of journalistic ethics in the Bend Bulletin and in newspapers and media across our country. It also applies to all media forms that are primarily dominated by partisan, left wing reporting who attempt to convince people to use nonsensical reasoning and limited diversity in their consumption of news and opinion. A heavy weight is required to balance the other side or the better side of the story – which is all sides of the story. At a later point, the AntiBulletin will tackle reporting both sides of news and opinion, but for now, all we can do is put a tiny weight on the scale of True Journalism to counterbalance the high level of blind consumer acceptance of unfair, unbalanced, and un-journalistic reporting across our county, country…and world.
The AntiBulletin intends to be a grass roots, local rise against unbalanced and unfair reporting and opinions. If we can attack and pressure changes at the local level, maybe that will spread to other smaller cities that aren’t already smothered by the waterfall of left-wing values and columns that are splashed throughout the pages of the WAPO and NYT and widespread liberal news outlets across the country and the world. Later, the AntiBulletin will expand to cover other communities with local journalists who want to report complete, accurate and fair news and opinions (actual journalists and not reporters that only represent one viewpoint for half the country).
Extreme Bias = Sea Level
The ground floor of branded “journalism” is sea level at the bottom of the mountain where True Journalism lives in rarified air. Sea level for the left is already entrenched in ideology chock-full of well-designed narratives. The left-wing fairness and objectiveness are only balanced against their evolved biased positions. These reporters and activists can crawl around the beach or go for a deep dive, but they rarely venture a few steps up a rocky ledge on the mountain. This is where reporters climb to be journalists. They start gathering evidence to show us, and to tell a believable story because they followed a process to get the information or derive a conclusion or opinion. At that elevation, “the method is the objective, not the journalist”. At sea level there is no method, just a lot of reporters flopping around until they suffocate or go back out with the backwash from the left-wing tidal wave.
Highly biased media outlets take advantage of people’s worst inclinations online and through the power of newspaper headlines and television hysteria. “Click-bait” are stories in any media form to sell news by avoiding complete and accurate information in any manner to inflame emotions and….to get clicks. Major social media and search platforms use bias ratings to alter the algorithms that determine what content users see. Fairness could elevate neutral content or foster broader news consumption…or affect the outcome of an election. Examples in section below.
Most of the mainstream outlets have been rabid critics of Trump for more than 7 years. It’s like the word “racism”; the meaning of “Trump” is obliterated by blaming literally everything on him. Now Trump is a hood-wearing KKK guy burning crosses while he implements Jim Crow laws. Pretty soon he will force separate drinking fountains in Bend OR, but it won’t matter because they all got turned off during the pandemic. Also, we need a long row of drinking fountains to accommodate all the races and genders – it’s more than 50 now and climbing daily. Division and hate are not cheap!
Now roads and rocks and trees and daylight savings are racist, and it just goes far beyond many peoples’ imaginations. It makes you think these people must live in some weird concocted fantasy. The Democrats have been blaming almost everything on “racism”, “Trump” and “white supremacy”. No town is perfect, but those may not be the most important issues in Bend Oregon. Sometimes the Bulletin provides constructive news and opinion on those issues, and we should always be aware of treating people with respect and care.
From memory, the Bulletin hasn’t reported any extremist white supremacists skulking about Bend and the so-called racism the Bulletin reports seem rare with most problems related to domestic violence, homelessness, and drug addicts with mental problems. Where are all these extremists anyway? However, reading between the lines, they must be infiltrating Bend at a high rate, but they hide themselves well. The protest against I.C.E. was covered The Bulletin because that is left-wing. If people don’t like immigration policy, then congress should implement a good policy, not create divisional politics in Bend because ICE is mean to immigrants, and off go the kids to the crying rooms.
The rule of law means nothing to the Biden administration as millions march across our border; lol that they continuously claim that the right-wing doesn’t like the rule of law. No one ever writes a story to prove who is the worst at ignoring or manipulating the rule of law. Nor do they ever prove how bad white supremacy is in Bend or anywhere else for that matter. The democrats hate the rule of law when it goes against their gerrymandering efforts. Currently, they are attempting to gerrymander all of South America as another legitimate voting bloc. It’s ok if terrorists sneak through…they probably vote Democrat or can be considered collateral election damage.
The AntiBulletin did a search on Google for “you’ve got to think about what you think about – Biden Speech”. The first two pages that come up are chock-full of liberal, left-wing media operations including in this order: New York Times, Washington Post, National Public Radio, Ipsos (left-leaning bias indicator), CNN, joebiden.com, Politico, APnews, The Atlantic, CBS News, MSNBC, PBS, New Yorker, BBC.com, NY Magazine and others. These are all left-wing or radical left-wing news outlets. The New York Post, the fourth largest paper in distribution, was buried on page 3 with an honest article. Not one of the left-wing articles on those links had anything controversial about Biden, his gaffes, or his dementia-related behavior.
The AntiBulletin can also recall two experiences that really seemed outrageous. One was Jake Tapper, CNN, who looked us in the eye with a waggling finger and said paraphrased “I will never interview Kayleigh McEnany because she is a liar”. This is a typical outrageous example of media bias and outright lies. I don’t need Tapper to filter my news because he has a bad opinion of someone. Kayleigh was the press secretary for Trump and while all press secretaries tell stories and narratives, she is not a 100% liar and is in fact well-spoken on most issues. Our Biden press secretaries, Jen Psaki and Karine Jean-Pierre or KJP, tell exaggerated stories or bald-faced lies and the latter can barely make her way out of a paper bag if she has to speak on something she’s not ready for. She can’t improvise on the fly and she seems like the biggest liar of all the press secretaries. It’s not her fault. Trying to unwind the essence of Biden’s disastrous policies and the confusing messages from the Biden Whitehouse must be a nightmare. She is forced to invoke Biden’s dementia and confusion.
The other experience is NPR in Oregon. They came right out and said they are not running President Trump’s news conferences after the pandemic started. Apparently, Trump and the team were too full of lies to be broadcast on a network that we the taxpayers pay for. It’s just like Tapper! We do not need NPR to filter what we hear or how we research and decide on issues. The AntiBulletin listened to every single news conference that Trump gave during the pandemic. We were never confused once about what was going on with the pandemic, or no more so than the CDC and Tony Fauci. It is not our fault that NPR happily houses anti-journalists.
The mass confusion had little to do with Trump. It was all the activist media on hateful trajectories with only one target in mind that keeps them up every night, planning and plotting against….Trump! Instead of being watchdogs and questioning the CDC, the left-wing media operated as the left-wing branch of government to censor or deliver messages. Major stories were sidelined to stay vigilant against Trump. Wow this is just like communism run by nazis. Fortunately, they are not killing people…yet…but most of them got kicked off of Twitter. Twitter could be leading us to the end of the world even before the “magical thinking” that predicts the end of the world from climate change.
NPR and PBS people are biased, stupid and ignorant people who are unable, unwilling dunces to not get the gist of a Trump press conference. They also think all their left-wing listeners are stupid and they are if they buy this kind of censorship. These people are truly ignorant and stupid, and we are sorry our tax dollars are allowed to support unobjective, biased organizations that continuously cheer and bolster the democrats while making people like us nazis or just like Hitler. We hate paying for this but have no voice in how these tax dollars are spent. If we could just fund PBS and NPR nonpolitical stories, that would be a fair use of tax dollars. They should stick to science and nature and cat videos.
The “Trump said to inject bleach” is one of the top ten exploitations and lies, with repeated news poundings while the infection and death numbers are rolling by on the left-wing news tickers with a lovely byline “Deaths Under Trump’s Watch” (not including all the people he knocked off before the pandemic and now, ignored by the news, Joe has exceeded all those numbers on his own). The inject bleach comment is just a wonderful lie that went around like the telephone game until Trump was saying to drink a gallon of bleach and all will be well. A lot of people injected bleach just to escape the chaos of the left-wing news. That went on and on almost competing with the fact about Trump being a Russian double agent who later took top secret documents of nuclear launch codes to sell on the communists’ black-market website…you know, the worldwide exchange of evil leaders who traffic in top secrets.
Trump was making a light-hearted euphonism of hope and nothing else. Call it stupid or not, but no, don’t lie about it. Our American people are so stupid and so ignorant, they cheer when this lie is repeated everywhere all the time even as the pandemic subsides. Some Americans are just sick and disgusted with this inaccurate, unfair juvenile tripe coming out of major news outlets and newspapers!
These left-wing organizations promote totalitarian exploitation and censorship of legitimate people and institutions. Some of their stunts and proclamations sound communist along with the soviet-style Trump inquisition about January 6 (please see ______). They know most of their audience do not want a deep dive into subjects to increase understanding and knowledge. Instead, they continuously report stories with shock value and minimal analysis solely to engage listeners’ emotions and anger with no logical or rational underpinnings.
Racism, Discrimination, Ancient History
The whole idea about raging fires over racism and discrimination of diverse elements in humanity seems wrong. Continuous beating on the head isn’t working. The simple principle is the golden rule. Treat others as you would have them treat you. That’s all it is. Give each other a fair chance and be honest and respectful. Instead of promoting false explanations about why we are such evil human beings, please promote how to be better human beings who deal with each other’s spirits and diverse personalities with care and consideration.
Why can’t we just pivot to discriminating against stupid, ignorant people who multiply stupidity as if it was a mass extinction event? History is not being used in constructive manner to learn from our mistakes. It’s all about getting revenge and making us pay for world history of which we all evolved and emigrated from. We made mistakes thousands of years ago, 100s of years ago, 2020, last year, last week, last night and maybe today…! Instead of being an honest pursuit of the truth, history is another sledgehammer to beat us on the head. Well, every single one of you has past history that is scary and awful if you go back enough years. We are not learning from history; too many are just trying to rewrite it and reap some sort of benefit. Be here now and make things better today. Correct mistakes quickly. Respect all people and discriminate against fools who are full of narratives.
The Bulletin’s Code of Ethics
The only code the Bulletin embraces is the code of biased reporting behind a façade of virtue and “Empowering Our Community” (their community). By definition, a left-wing paper cannot empower the whole community or account for every niche community, so The Bulletin panders to the left-wing community who are screaming and trying to target and delete people who don’t agree with them. They think everything is a 3-story bonfire while they hose down everything in sight. Conservatives are often more polite and want to hear the facts and pros and cons, think about it, debate a little more and slowly buy surely get a good foundation of information and understanding.
Ironically, the Bulletin has a code of ethics. It is the exact PDF that can be downloaded from the Professional Society of Journalists. While it is a typical code of ethics used by many organizations, some of it reads it reads like a social justice manifesto or treatise and has little to do with ethics related to publishing a fair and balanced presentation of news and opinion. Or rather, the fairness and balance ethics obviously say to be fair and balanced, so that principle doesn’t matter because no one is fair and balanced. Fair and Balanced is whatever the Bulletin wants it to be. There is NO consistent standard.
Also, the guidelines that promote fairness and balance are buried in tangents such as “don’t hurt someone’s feelings if you can avoid it”. The code has dozens of holes that surely provide a constant source of inspiration to override actual or ideally real professional ethics and standards. They are interpreted by the Bulletin to allow propaganda and cherry-picking news stories for the left-wing and proclaiming Democrat values the Bulletin embraces. The left-wing reporting and the lack of true journalism extends the power of the democrat-controlled government. Most news and opinion reject things that don’t fall into their extremist views, and that can’t or won’t be reported through honest reasoning and debate.
The AntiBulletin will later provide analysis of some blasphemy encompassed in the Bulletin’s code of ethics to expose how meaningless this code is – adopted by multiple news organizations. The boilerplate code is like “racism”. It’s a thinly veiled proclamation that they can do whatever the “heck” they want to with numerous “guidelines” that require interpretation, at their pleasure. No doubt, the Professional Society of Journalists Code of Ethics was written by journalists who need a very wide berth to interpret the guidelines….and they are stated as guidelines and not rules. Obviously, no one reads these or cares how they are implemented. It is much MORE IMPORTANT for the Bulletin to mold themselves in the image of their hero the WAPO by taking an extreme left-wing stance of what and how to report news and opinion.
Why Focus on a Local Newspaper
We believe in the printed word and like the Bulletin, that this all starts with OUR whole community (NOT the Bulletin’s left-wing sub-community). Published newspapers are immune to immediate responses and missiles coming in from the Internet via Twitter and other likely distributors of the all-mighty misinformation. You wait for the paper, then hold it in your hands, and then read it. Information can be more slowly absorbed and considered, and if it had a fair presentation of the evidence, readers could get complete and accurate information to derive conclusions on a particular issue. This is much opposed to media outlets creating lies and a skewed balance of information as the reporting arm of a particular political party or the Democrat run government. Reading the paper gives plenty of time for reflection and developing your own view of the news. The AntiBulletin is always inspired to fight back when reading a news article, opinion or letter in the Bend Bulletin.
In this case the “anti” in AntiBulletin should be construed as a positive sign, especially with sunshine spreading to repel the worst offenders who regularly try to accelerate the downfall of True Journalism. And the hope would be to increase the circulation of the Bend Bulletin, increase more letters and editorials that result in fairness and balance, and to influence a wider group of people by continuously improving journalistic integrity. And to encourage people to not trust a singular biased news source, but to investigate more than a biased side of the story from a non-journalist publication like the Bend Bulletin. And, equally important, to help keep the paper in business.
Content Considerations
We will try to avoid name calling, bad words (however there is some custom-made bad grammar) and ignorant juvenile comments. The Bulletin promotes name calling in a veiled manner and uses easily deciphered words such as “Trump” or “Fox” or “radical GOP” or “extremist” or Fox watchers as “mushrooms in the dark eating crap” to target and demean people. We will frequently use the words “stupid” or “ignorant” because sometimes there are no better words. In emails from us to the editors of the Bulletin, they have been referred to with those terms – they qualify for both terms and proof will be reported here. There is nothing personal intended here; as a matter of fact, Gerry O’Brien and Richard Coe seem like nice guys overall, although Coe broke an implied promise to respond to one of the immature anti-Trumper letters written against us. They abused one of our letters and that will be dealt with in a future article (It was about masks and even after two years it still applies). The Bulletin editors seem smart enough and most of the ignorance or stupidity is by design and lack of a journalistic values, and to obliterate or pervert the meaning behind their façade called the Code of Ethics.
The word “stupid” speaks for itself; try reading an article where, by the end, all you can say is “stupid”, or feel surprise at the baffling lack of understanding of basic issues. The word “ignorant” gives credit to all of those who are smart, educated or even geniuses. These are often people who don’t care about the “truth” enough to find it, and who would instead prefer to fill their heads with lollipops and sunshine trapped in a Walt Disney fantasy. Or they are the extremely arrogant who surround themselves with ignorance and stupidity and act out accordingly. Their hair is majestically waving in the wind proudly carrying their giant flag of virtue as they ride naked on their mule at a choppy trot by the crowds of cheering ignorants. Most of the politically-oriented reporters, celebrities, and masses of stupid or ignorant people are in their own version of Fantasia or trapped in an echo chamber run by the Pirates of the Caribbean. The pirates are the stupid and ignorant media people who write, tweet and broadcast to unethically influence broad swaths of our population. As with the pot calling the kettle black, most of these people call everything “racist” while they exhibit far more racism and discrimination and demonization than anyone who does not believe everything is “racist”.
Ignorant and Stupid are meaningful compared to being called a “racist”, “white supremacist”, “election denier” (something Dems have done almost every election), or “extremist”. All of these words mean absolutely nothing. They have been diluted and dumped into the bottom of the swamp where most of these name-callers live. At least “ignorant and stupid” actually mean something significant – a major portion of our population who can barely utter “racist” as the pinnacle of their intellect are relying on their stupidity and ignorance to live and vote and to spit out furious shame and slander against their neighbors and countrypeople (men, woman and 50 other genders who are citizens of our great country, the USA).
The Fallacy of Arguments
At some point the AntiBulletin may consider posting responses, but for now the focus is on presenting a rigid viewpoint on fair and balanced reporting in the media, favoring common sense or right-minded ideas. Take any politician making a claim and an argument, say for example, voting rights. Someone makes a claim that voting in Georgia is “Jim Crow 2.0” and has three or four bullet points to support that argument. That gets whisked up a chute to the mothership who quickly beams it down like radiation to the masses anywhere and everywhere. The left-wing reporters quickly rush to the phones in the lobby and bingo, it’s featured on CNN and their compatriots spaced out with Trump reporting. The problem is that here is a mountain of evidence and facts to defy the similarity of modern voting laws to Jim Crow. It is just so ridiculous, and it is a wonderment that people believe it. They are stupid or ignorant or both, of course.
The fallacy of the argument in this context is that there is ALWAYS a counterargument even if you have to invoke an evil spirit to do it. It’s the high school debating principle…someone can argue the other side no matter how farfetched or bizarre. Better yet, a counterargument is productive when it is constructive, but that is not a goal in modern reporting principles (NOT journalist principles). That won’t sell papers to their target audience. For now, we will stick by our arguments unless the facts and context drive a change of course and we will update accordingly.
AntiBulletin Media Bias Chart
The Bulletin’s LOCAL news and information is pretty good except, perhaps, when it requires a political overtone. They take on substantial stories about people in trouble or homeless or news that has a common interest to most people in OUR community. The local news reporters might lean toward journalists.
Media bias: We tried to use a couple different versions of the Media Bias Chart that you can find plastered high in Google rankings. The problem is the Media Bias Chart is full of media bias i.e. we need a media bias chart of the media that determines the media bias chart. It is produced by a biased author who thinks NPR is a perfectly fair and balanced knight of information as if they sit in a pillow of hypocrisy in the CENTER of the chart spouting misinformation. That one data point disproves the entire chart and if you look closely and do your research from independent sources, the chart actually adds up to a lot of nonsense or obvious conclusions that you already know from minimal news intake.
So instead, here is the AntiBulletin’s Media Bias Chart based on channels we use to do research: