Midterm Election, January 6, & Trump Is Not Above the Law: Non-Discussion w/Editor of Bend Bulletin
Context: This was an exchange with the editor of the Bulletin and limited from his side, so we’ll call it an unresolved discussion. The Bulletin has received many letters or editorials from “us”, so it was with great appreciation to get a response. There have been other exchanges including a comment from us that was printed in “Letters…”. The non-resolution of that unsuccessful interaction was the initial energy that inspired The AntiBulletin (see_____). These emails are as received with edits in the (long) responses for clarity. To: Gerard O'Brien <[email protected]> Subject: RE: Congratulations on Misinformation
You guys can take a lot of credit for swaying this election in Deschutes County. Your constant flow of misinformation and lack of complete and accurate reporting amounting to unobjective journalism influenced the outcome of the local votes and regional and state elections. You have a monopoly on the local print and online news, and you do not care about being fair and balanced. You are what is wrong with our country, and you own part of the driving force for the division and elections that are influenced by censorship and extreme misinformation. This underlying chaos has exploded into a national perversion of the left-wing media. (See AntiBulletin Media Bias chart. Yes, your hero WAPO is certainly responsible too because you frequently run their left-wing diatribes and bullet-riddled editorials.)
I hope you are proud of yourselves for helping to divert a hopefully honest election where you’ve spent the last two years demonizing your opponents and glorifying left-wing values that are destroying the culture and politics of our country. By far, if there is a threat to democracy, you guys work from the heart of that platform which uses censorship and mass dispersion of misinformation.
Your values are not the community values. You should focus on more universal values such as serve all the people whether you agree or not. Your values are one part of the community and unfortunately, the stupid or ignorant people in our community believe a lot of the [BS] you print or that you lie about through omission. I just don’t know how to fight your unobjective exploitation of our community. I love you guys for trying and being Americans who are allowed say anything anyway in the name of free speech including flat-out lies. It’s not anger (as you site in one of your newsletters)! It is sadness and disgust with the influence you have and the aberrant way you use it.
Response from O’Brien/Bulletin:
Not sure you are correct here. I know of 5 endorsements we made where that candidate did not win, on both Democratic and Republican tickets.
Remember, what is on our opinion page differs from our factual reporting on our news pages.
Thanks for responding. It is not about who you endorsed. It’s about the last two or multiple years of news and reporting and significant focus on left wing news and omission of anything that leans right or that is just factual news you don’t want to print because it goes against your grain. You cannot claim independent journalism just like WAPO can’t….it’s a joke how left-wing ALL of their news and opinions are (news=lies of omission or a frontpage built out of Swiss cheese). That’s because left-wing rags comprise most of the newspapers in the country and you all employ reporters who are left-wing activists instead of honest journalists. It is only lately you and the left-wing media are taking on Biden because he is a foolish demented failure and even you guys can’t ignore that.
There was never one thing opposing the J6 story and you didn’t print any news from the side that wasn’t getting heard. I never heard you correct the fact that only one person died on J6 and that no armed people breached the capitol. Beating on Trump influenced the outcome of the election as was the consistent messaging in your paper. Your reader letter about mushrooms eating crap in the dark because Fox didn’t run one of the mock trials was just juvenile name calling with no useful facts. Your left-wing readers loved that.
We pointed out that CSPAN wasn’t running one of the mock trials, but that, of course, didn’t matter to you or being consistent is not part of your math where 2+2=0 or perhaps 2+2=1 to account for only half the equation. You only need to report what is on Fox if they are doing something you don’t like. If you even reported half of what was on Fox, you would appear like journalists. Whether you like it or not, Fox has the most balanced reporting of all the big media stations. You can laugh and you never watch Fox so if that is the case, then you are stupid and ignorant. Fox reports news that never gets reported by your left-wing comrades. We can only wonder where you get your incomplete news.
Speaking of your left-wing compatriots….CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS and ABC [See AntiBulletin Media Bias chart]. A weekday affair was Sheppard Smith’s so-called nonpartisan news every night to get some left-leaning news plus they have entertaining stories. [Since cancelled – no ratings for left-wing Sheppard Smith presenting so-called “nonpartisan” news.] Even CSPAN, who have a left-wing taint, is more balanced than all those stations. They run everyone and let the viewers decide. You should think about that approach…..lol. You are left-wing editors, and you have a job to do influencing America to go as far left as possible.
We never heard a response to our legitimate view supported by facts including the frequent warnings that there was going to be a J6 riot (as outlined by the J6 committee) and no one did anything. (See AntiBulletin point by point facts and failures _______). It was a massive security failure. A media theorist might declare this failure was a Democrat conspiracy. A sure way to get Trump once and for all.
Instead, it was a fantastical embarrassment to the world that the United States can’t even protect their own Capitol much less people they left behind or got killed in Afghanistan.
Why can’t you present all sides of the story and step in forcefully when people are lying….as in one (1) (uno) person killed. A republican Trump supporter. You must have been glad to see that person die because you never honored her and told the truth about her story being the only one murdered at the capital in cold blood…PERIOD. She was an “innocent” unarmed protester who trespassed with a mob. “Innocent” means she was just acting like a fool lawbreaker but not deserving of a point-blank shot to the head. If she was shot, then they should have shot everyone to stop the bogus threat against democracy. Oh, well maybe that is why they didn’t shoot everyone because it was a healthy-sized riot of grandmas and unarmed people, or rather armed with cell phones as the 900000 pieces of video evidence has shown in the mock trial.
You can’t claim that you didn’t have an impact on this election. Ashley Babbit is just one of at least 50 examples that could be documented of how you manipulate the news to favor your opinions and quite frankly, the virtue signaling audience you cater to. You are not independent and objective.
Your endorsements DID exhibit thoughtful approaches despite making abortion an election issue in Oregon when no one intends to change our liberal law. There is no problem with your endorsements which were backed up by facts or observations. That’s what papers do. That is where you should inject your left-wing stance. It’s all about the continuous things you promote and those that you bury and the total lack or infrequency of central or opposing opinions.
Response from O’Brien/Bulletin:
Wouldn't you think that one person dying as people stormed the Capitol building is one person too many? Watch the video of that actual shooting.
Five people died in connection to that day, two capital police by suicide, two by heart attacks. It's a sad state of affairs.
Security failure? Why would the Capitol need a police force to protect it from its own citizens?
[This is from a subsequent email commenting on the overall nature of O’Brien’s response:
This email must be “punking” us with the three definitive statements you made. You think we will pull our hair out if you can actually get people to believe such nonsense.
The last point is too incredulous: “Security failure? Why would the Capitol need a police force to protect it from its own citizens?”. It is shocking that the editor of our local paper would be so naïve or frankly ignorant. You certainly aren’t stupid. Are you suggesting that the Capitol police force be defunded and dismantled, and that the Capitol doesn’t need any protection whatsoever? It’s really one of the most outrageous theories you guys have embraced. You are going over the falls in a barrel.
It's just a surprise to see the editor ask why we need protection from our citizens? You have one guess. Because…wait for it….there are a LOT OF CRAZY people out there, mostly right-wing crazies and left-wing-crazies. How stupid is it that you think there are no crazy people and that we shouldn’t take steps to protect against them. Look at the riots of 2020. You didn’t care about David Dorn or other police deaths and injuries. If your nonsense was “true”, then our left-wing cities should not need protection from their own citizens….we SHOULD defund the police. Well this stupid theory is finally losing steam across the democrats despite your best efforts to promote radical discrimination against the police.
AntiBulletin: [answer to Gerry “one person too many”]
Of course, one person dying is too much. The videos were reviewed many times and one might ask, “why was she the only one shot?” or “why didn’t they shoot everybody?” or “why did they have to shoot anyone?” Probably a hundred people died that day of heart attacks around the country, so why didn’t they count those people to if they were shocked by the riot. It was a shocking spectacle to wonder who let this get out of control.
There is no direct link to the deaths….it’s all conjecture and psychology and no evidence. Just because you can claim to connect the deaths, there is NO PROOF and NO PROOF has been offered that heart attacks and suicides were directly connected to the riot. This seems like a purely rhetorical discussion with no point. They could have died of heart attacks because of the massive political fallout and all the pressure and focus on them as personalities with badges from the Capitol Police. That’s not their fault; they are under the control of the puppet-masters. Also, we know nothing about their personal lives….such as a failed marriage or cheating spouses or financial distress or a suicide that was coming from prior experiences.
It’s the medias’ fault and their extremely partisan views of the riot. The left-wing has attempted to lionize a few of the turncoat Capitol Police that are suddenly woke spokespeople for all the police in the nation. They are (effectively) turncoats because police should remain at arm’s-length from highly political operations; independence is critical to policing especially when it comes to politics and racism…they should be blind to politics and color.
The police should testify in court in accordance with the law, not in some circus put on by a parade of egomaniac liars. Insurrection is a ridiculous reference. It was a bunch of people run amok and they should have shot them all if democracy was going to fall. Even with NO(0%) security on the capitol, no politicians were hurt! Thank god a politician didn’t skin their knee! We would never hear the end of it. Oh, well there may never be an end to it. No weapons were found and so on. Lots of cell phone video however. It’s the first time many of us have seen the inside of the Capitol. The blueprints on TV showing all the secret ways Pence got to the basement are fascinating…if you are watching Forensic Files. It was like watching “Get Smart”.
If people die of PTSD after serving our country, that is not counted as a war death. They are counted as suicides or health problems, or health problems caused by serving in the military. So, people had problems. There was only one person killed with a gun by police…something your people frequently harp on….trigger-happy police. What hypocrisy. What about the police killed during 2020 riots? They weren’t counted by you. Only the right-wing Kyle Rittenhouse was the focus so you could go on with your endless diatribe about right-wing white supremecists. David Dorn? Never saw a thing about this retired police chief who was sadly shot by rioters vandalizing mainstreet stores. Thank God this was settled in court and not by the media or a high-court of left wing jurists.
Why the J6 riot isn’t in court is obvious. There is no evidence and including opposing witnesses would cause the case to be lost quickly. Now Biden’s left-wing DOJ is going to Trump-up some charges such as selling nuclear secrets to oligarch golfers from Russia and other terrorist states. Trump is so evil he wouldn’t sell them; he would trade them for a hotel in a major continental city that wasn’t going to get bombed.
In a way, the capitol police, by testifying, were going against all police in the country – it is shocking to hear police with democrat whines about policing, violence and to make us feel sorry for them. I’ll bet a lot of police were embarrassed by this. They should have never been in the mock trial…the videos spoke for themselves, and police should not engage in ANY political theatre. They should remain independent. They weren’t testifying against any one person (except Trump), but they never saw Trump. They were carrying water up the hill for Democrats. It was a demeaning experience. Any head might spin around so fast it would rip off with the extreme pressure of being a Democrat puppet. The democrats are ruthless against real people they use as proxies for their left-wing agenda.
To add to expectations of independent policing, these policepeople are supposed to be ready under all these conditions….it’s the Capitol Police after all. They should always be ready for a new American revolution and repeating history. They should stand vigilant against anyone who would violate our “sacred” spaces (lol, political spaces) and instead get ready for communists and left-wing totalitarianism. They should always be operating on calculated threats and risks and not go for a picnic around the Capitol on the most contentious national election certification ever.
The left-wing is the new monarchy government that is not so benevolent. This Monarchy is incapable of protecting their own people. As they look down from their private jets or across their Delaware beachfront property, they tell us to go eat cake and don’t plug your car in when the grid is running out of coal-fired electricity.
Trump is Not Above the Law: Risk & Threat Assessment
What!!!???? The capitol shouldn’t be secured….outrageous. You must know nothing about how these types of risks are assessed. This is not about some vague concept that we don’t need to be protected from our own citizens. You could say that about downtown Bend – let’s defund the police in Bend because the people won’t do anything bad….we are just good citizens. The more that statement sinks in, the more outrageous your claim sounds.
Trump and all the democrats who let this happen are not above the law. Regardless of who is in power, our law enforcement agencies are tasked with risk and threat assessment, and they failed their jobs. PERIOD. It has nothing to do with a very “ignorant and stupid” concept that we don’t need protection from ourselves. This is about independent risk assessment to protect against threats of all types: grandmas parading into the capitol on the heels of a crazy mob to the other side which might be a violent insurrection and coup with guns and bombs. Risks and threats are the way most law enforcement agencies act until their budgets are slashed and they can’t do their job.
With experience as an auditor of or in corporations for more than 20 years, you know that a corporation’s risks are never based on how someone feels about something, especially the Bend Bulletin’s editors. Our country’s risks and threats on a global scale are not calculated by how someone feels another country will act or react. There is a continuous process of risk and threat assessment to ensure the dynamics of any situation are anticipated and addressed. So, it’s all emotion with you. The left-wing banks on emotion and establishing a national standard for crying rooms.
A thorough risk and threat assessment should have been completed among relevant law enforcement agencies [It is a fact that our law enforcement and border enforcement agencies do a terrible job of working together because of egos, politics and leaders who don’t value collaboration]. Plus, you take into account all the warnings prior to J6 that were documented OVER and OVER in the J6 Tribunal.
There is rarely anything more stupid or outrageous or incompet than this failure. Let’s see, Trump is giving a speech to a partially rabid crowd of Trump supporters down the street from where the gavel will drop to certify the election. Any fool could have seen this coming so the law enforcement people in charge of protection and risk and threats are extreme fools. The people in charge of coordinating agencies for threat assessments should have all been fired and whoever in congress was in charge should be charged with a crime. And all these fools did see it coming as the partisan pawns testified about over and over as the high bench of esteemed lords lording over the kangaroo court of J6 read off their teleprompters. What a great show….if you live in the old USSR.
Lines of witnesses were lined up to testify against Trump, but there was not one witness called who were involved in the responsibility that allowed let this breach to happen. No precautions were taken by by anyone except for putting picnic tables and flags around the capitol so people could enjoy the day. And this was a riot, a subset of 100,000 people that were crazy lawbreakers. (see this link for how many people are rotting in Biden gulag-style jails: https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/one-year-jan-6-attack-capitol).
The groups approaching the Capitol were from many walks of life including grandmas and stupid people who will do anything with a mob. If the left-wing liars want to call this an insurrection, then in was the worst failure of a coup in the history of the world. There were no firearms, one person was shot by the police, their leader looked like he was dressing up for a Viking festival and the rioters were mostly busy taking videos of the grand Capitol Affair. It didn’t look like anyone was waiting for secret messages from Trump or for him to call off the riot. There was some hand-to-hand combat and a couple flagpole beatings.
And the operational people truly responsible, our government, are exploited by politics so the core requirements for safety are confused by warring parties and their partisan agendas. It’s the worst law enforcement failure in our history. It was not 9/11 or Pearl Harbor.
9/11 was another security failure with rogue terrorists who want every American dead asap. We didn’t learn much from the Lockerbie bombing in 1988. The other was the start of World War II, an American experience that was horrifying, killing millions. No one did the risk and threat assessment for that so, again, we were not ready and Pearl Harbor was bombed. That is the only comparison you can make.
Dramatically opposed, the Capitol riot was a bunch of stupid lawbreakers the left-wing has defined as a highly organized militia group led by Trump to execute a coup. It is hard to believe that people believe absolute nonsense claims by executive management in our government. These claims were extremely disrespectful to the people who suffered through WWII, a fading memory, and the people who lost loved ones and suffered from 9/11.
Corrupt AntiAmerican Goals
It is just astounding how perverted this whole thing is. The investigation should have been a major major effort to determine where security broke down among numerous law enforcement agencies. Instead, we sit on our couch in front a bunch of maniacs in leadership roles playing judges and jury who are out to get Trump year after year after year and he still isn’t in jail. They are like the classic circular-firing squad – the only people who fall into the trench are themselves and their followers. What a waste of our country’s elected politicians and millions on taxpayer money for an ineffective ABC hit parade production.
What a great exploitation of the left-wing media who go on and on about J6 while at least one conservative channel reports news and opinion over a wide range of critical issues. The left-wing has not accomplished one thing except to assuage all the emotions of Trump haters, hardly a way to run our country. Oh yes, and to demonize Trump supporters and republicans and to influence the election. People who think like us are just run of the mill nazis working for Hitler on the 7th level of hell. We’re flying a swastika above our office right now.
The target end date for the kangaroo court was the mid-term elections. Of course, this was done by democrats to influence elections. To think otherwise is Truly Foolish. Well absolutely nothing was delivered but a smothering attempt to demonize republicans using J6 and election denialists of whom exist in proliferation within the Democratic party.
Our only hope was to have an honest and fair and balanced media reporting all facets of the riot. You and your brethren make this an absolute impossibility. There are so many rabid people who want Trump to die or go to jail or to be hung from the rafters like the rioters called for Mike Pence. Oh but that’s OK. It’s the first time Democrats and their TV stations have been able to exploit a threat to a republican; those are usually buried or not reported (for example, attempted murder of Kavanaugh).
Trump should go away for several reasons, one of the top three being you guys will have one less battering ram to beat down the heads of your stupid or ignorant readers and instead maybe some other real news will leak through. (not all readers are stupid and there are many smart people who are ignorant because they are incapable of understanding and independently determining anything outside their echo chamber – smart people get stupid or stay ignorant.)
We wrote a very factual 10+ point comment about this [see ________] and you obviously ignored that, or you would understand why we are right, and you are very wrong and emotionally wrong. If you want science, then do science and facts; not emotion. We need a technical analysis of why security failed; not a whole year of Trump bashing and stories about him grabbing the steering wheel. You only want science and an honest trial if it’s a shooting in Bend or technical analysis of our drought.
Honoring Dead Veterans
You honor local veterans all the time, but when it comes to Trump, your hypocrisy blows out the tire and you run over Humpty Dumpty right after he fell off the wall.
Ironically you harp on the police officers but not one kind word said about Ashley Babbit and her family. (It was with great sympathy to know officers and their families police die of any unnatural reason, especially suicide which has a high rate among police officers (not during J6) and border agents).
Ms. Babbit wouldn’t have been killed if law enforcement had done their job by properly assessing risks and threats. Her murder is clearly and directly in their hands. Claiming 5 more deaths after the fact is a lot different than getting shot in the head at point-blank range by an officer with a bad record on handling guns. Sorry, no comparison.
AntiBulletin [next email]:
The very saddest “state of affairs”, as you call it, is the complete acceptance by most Americans that the current state of anti-journalism in America is acceptable on both sides and that everyone but the stupid and ignorant know that fair and balanced journalism is a relic of the past, a True Relic.
We’ve finally found the one person who can tell us to throw all our universal values and legal structures out the window on a national scale in a trial the North Korean’s would be proud of. We’ve heard this from friends….they just don’t care because Trump is so bad. Left-wing radicals lose their minds and head to the crying rooms pulling out their hair every time Trump wants to suspend the constitution. The left literally suspends the constitution every day of the week carefully disguised in narratives disseminated by the Mothership.
50 Years Ago
50 years ago you would have been a different journalist. You might still have your liberal bias, but journalistic ethics and honesty would override most of that. You would report news AND opinions based on the facts. Now you are exactly the opposite in all respects. Your comments about J6 are hook line and sinker left-wing narrative cloaked in a comfy coat of Trump hatred with confirmed Trump haters in most of your theatre seats. You should be embarrassed to be part of this neo-communist journalism whose mind-control is beamed down from the Mothership.
Divorce yourself from this unethical style of journalism and go back 50 years and start exercising ethics, honesty and balanced journalism. Well, you both CAN’T do it and WON’T do it because you have to sell papers and you HAVE to tow the party line and carry the water for a bunch of radical people who hate this country and would probably prefer communism and socialism. You are puppets of the left instead of independent journalists.
AntiBulletin [next email]:
You guys are the editors in chief of creating local division by using stupid, unfair and unobjective reporting and opinions mostly leaning one direction, sometimes extremely so. You haven’t even given lip service to all the issues and grievances we’ve identified, so your choices in the election pale in comparison. Your bias runs deeply, and you can’t camouflage that with your amorphous platitudes that float on thin air. It would take the weight of a feather to fall though.
Your scam is wearisome especially when it’s designed to manipulate brains and hearts into fully embracing ignorance and stupidity. You are the ones pandering to mushrooms in your darkness eating crap (from another reader’s letter addressed in a different blog). Democracy survives in sunshine and not in the mole holes where you and your comrades associate.